
3D UFO Adventure

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: C, OpenGL, GLUT

  • Developed an interactive 3D cyber-city simulation with UFO navigation using advanced OpenGL techniques and C.
  • Applied advanced 3D modeling and dynamic lighting to create an immersive, user-controlled experience.
AI Mancala Output Image

AI Mancala Player

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: Python, AIMA, Minimax, Alpha-Beta

  • Developed an AI agent for Mancala in Python, leveraging Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning for optimal decision-making.
  • Designed a heuristic evaluation function and simulation framework that outperforms players with a 97-99% win rate.
Property Predictor

Property Predictor

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Plotly

  • Engineered and cleaned a dataset of 500,000+ property records, leveraging Python and data science libraries.
  • Built and evaluated regression models with Scikit-learn, addressing biases for fair predictive analysis.
Mountain Hike Planner

Mountain Hike Planner

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: Java, JavaFX, Jackson

  • Designed an interactive Java desktop app for hikers to customize gear selection using JavaFX and Jackson.
  • Applied Singleton, Factory, Observer, and Strategy patterns, with unit and BDD testing ensuring 80% code coverage.

A Love Letter to Love Letter

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Agile (Scrum), GitHub

  • Developed a full-stack web-based card game using Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS.
  • Collaborated with a team using GitHub, Trello, and Agile (Scrum) for development and project management.
Dungeon Escape image 1 Dungeon Escape image 2

Dungeon Escape

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: C++

  • Developed a terminal-based C++ dungeon escape game with randomized levels, treasure encounters, and enemy AI.
  • Achieved 100% error-free code through rigorous testing and GDB, demonstrating proficiency in C++.
Personal Website

Personal Website

GitHub Repo Link

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Built this personal website to showcase my projects, education, and experience.
  • Demonstrates my proficiency in frontend web development and design.